Morning Walks at Far Cry

One of the delights of a morning walk along the trails at Far Cry is the lightshow that Mother Nature puts on for you. 

Every hue of green is heightened by the sunlight slanting though the branches as you wend you way through the forest. The chill in the morning air, the crunch of the dry leaves underfoot, and the calling of birds adds to the experience.

We are in the process of mapping out the nearly 2km of trails, so that visitors can plan their walks, and not get lost in the process! 

Wild flowers.

Often overlooked, but always there for the keen of eye, wild flowers abound around Far Cry. The flowering shrub shown here – Blue Mist (Memecylon umbellatum) – is a good example. Blooming seasonally, the flowers give off a delicately sweet scent, which butterflies and bees find irresistable. A walk along forest our trails will yield hours of enjoyment, marvelling at these little wonders of nature.